Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cultural Matters: British films

For me, nothing gets me into to the mood to travel more than a good film. Below are links to clips from several popular British films. (Scotland-specific films will featured in a later post).

Love Actually (2003)

While a bit silly and contrived, this fun romantic-comedy from Richard Curtis is a postcard perfect view in British culture, from its stellar cast of British stars, its fun soundtrack, and a mix of silly and dry British wit, its great introduction to British culture (although not the most realistic portrayal of the lives of most British.) Stars Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Rowan Atkinson, and Kiera Knightley, among many others.

Here is the first two minutes of Love Actually featuring the wonderful Bill Nighy as washed-up rocker Billy Mack.

And here is the trailer for the film:

Full Monty (1997)
Starring Scottish actor Robert Carlyle, this comedy is about six out of work men who decide to strip (ala Chippendales) in order to help one of the worker's sons.

Here is the trailer for the film (poor quality)

King's Speech (2010)
Nominated fore a record 12 Oscars this year, this is the story of King George VI (Played by the brilliant Colin Firth, also nominated for an Oscar) who suffered from a severe stutter. Crowned King of Britain when his brother Edward abdicated to marry an American, George was thrust upon the world stage just as World War II was heating up. His wife Elizabeth, played by Helena Bonham Carter, spent much of her childhood in Scotland (and was the mother to the current monarch, Queen Elizabeth II).

The official trailer:

Thunderball (1965)

It wouldn't be a list of British films without at least one James Bond flick. Below is the trailer for the fourth Bond film starring the first (and best) Bond, Scottish actor Sean Connery.

And here is the title song, sung by Wlesh singer Tom Jones:

Sense of Sensibility (1995)
The film, written by and starring Emma Thompson, that started the whole Jane Austen craze of the past 15 years (which has seen all her books filmed numerous times for screen and television, inspired writers to pen sequels, prequels and re-imaginings in novels, and even one Zombie-theme novel: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.) And in my opinion, it's the best of the lot.


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